Sovereign Business Daily

Zero Resistance

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Sunny 57 Degrees
3:20 p.m.

It never occurred to me in school that teachers could be wrong. It never really even occurred to me that they were human. That they had lives in which they were clueless about who they were, what they were doing or any of the normal things we experience as humans.

Questioning the teacher is not an approved action in the Matrix of course. Maybe that’s why I never did it. I already knew how that would go and I was scared of “getting in trouble.”

I just wanted to get an “A.”

Teachers, in my experience, were figures of authority. I just took what they said as truth.


The Matrix trains its slave for zero resistance to “authority.” When the Matrix speaks, the slaves listen. That’s how the game is supposed to go.

After 12 or 13 years of practicing this in an abuse camp like “school,” it becomes a habit for people.

That’s why so many adults behave as though they have no spine. They DO have one. But it has been deactivated by training.

These are not stupid people, they are just well trained. And they are afraid – an emotional state also achieved by “training.”

This is how so many atrocities have occurred throughout history while otherwise good people just stand around and watch.

Zero resistance. Just compliance.

Resistance need not be violent. Certainly the world has had more than enough violence to last it many times over.

Resistance need not exist at all! Not if you want progress. Not if you want transformation.

So what is the alternative?

Something completely different. Something far more powerful. An expression of creation that is on a level much higher than “resistance.”

But first, a question:

Isn’t it odd that “resistance” is something that is always the response of a slave?

The “authority” does X and the unwilling slave “resists?”

Why is it never the other way around?

Because of the training. This is one of the main reasons the training exists. To redefine the bounds of the creative capacity of a human and make it clear that it is only permitted to exist WITHIN the container of the Matrix and its authority.

You can “resist” the authority, but your creative power dare not transcend the reality to one where the authority does not exist.

This is, of course, TOTAL B.S.

What happens when you stop believing your Will and Intention must exist within the confines of a container crafted by someone other than you?

When you stop defining your journey in the context given to you by an outside third party, your intention steps beyond the prison it was intended to live in.

At that point, your intention becomes the dominant force in your reality.

Seems like that’s the way it should be!

If you’ve ever experienced what happens after that, you already know it’s something amazing.

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