Sovereign Business Daily

Working at the Bank of Satan

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Mostly Cloudy 48 Degrees
3:45 p.m.

I’ve been infected with a serious strain of the “Unemployable-4EVER” virus ever since that very first Paypal receipt hit my inbox about 20 years ago.

I was sitting in a corner of my tiny apartment in Scottsdale Arizona…and the customer was sitting in her not so tiny house outside of New York City. In one instant, her problem and my solution collided and ended up giving birth to a deposit to Paypal that would forever change my life.

At the time, I was a wage slave at a national bank in the area. Just for kicks, we’ll refer to it as the Bank of Satan. (That pretty accurately describes its real business!)

The bank was a toxic part of the Matrix I believe all of us are well acquainted with.

My only way of generating money back then was to drive 30 minutes every morning to work at that bank…a place that trained its employees that EVERY CUSTOMER was a crook who was about to commit the crime of the century.

I guess that made me a criminal service representative!

Needless to say, this first order via Paypal was a BIG deal. In the span of about 1 second, I saw the monetary equivalent of half a day’s work for Satan just materialize from nothing.

That event made it impossible for me to ever work for someone again.

There have been MANY steps on this journey since that kickoff event.

But without that, I might actually be running that bank for all I know.

School was designed to confuse humans about how to take the journey through life.

With its insistence on RIGHT over and above everything else, including RELEVANCE or VALUE, it artificially focuses the mind on needing the answers to questions as a FIRST STEP of any journey.

In school, that gets you good grades.

In life, it helps to ensure you never move forward.

You don’t have to have MUCH figured out before you start walking.

In fact, it’s only in the walking that you figure anything out.

Whether you’re ready to start a business or reinvent the one you have, TAKING THE FIRST STEP is the hardest step of the entire journey.

EVERYTHING in the Matrix is designed to keep that step from ever happening.

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