Sovereign Business Daily

Up and OUT at 18!

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Clear 67 Degrees
4:52 p.m.

So the Matrix controllers decree that, around the age of 18, a human being is supposed to leave home and go out on his own to start over and make his way in the world.

The marketing campaign for this talks about “independence” and getting started in your own life. At least get your own credit card, the slave masters yell.

That sounds so exciting!

But it seems the way things usually go, this decision doesn’t really lead to independence.

Starting over means priority one is survival…which means priority one is getting a source of income…which means priority one is trading in doing what one loves for doing what one “must.”

And that’s where it begins…

That’s the open door to slavery through which the Matrix beckons its slaves under the banner of “independence.” But once the door closes, that banner is taken down.

It’s just what you have to do to get by. Right? Everyone has to figure it out. Once you get your bearings, maybe THEN you can think about doing what you enjoy.

If you look around at how most adults spend their days, you know that’s not what happens.

Which is why it seems like a very crazy thing to follow the plan the Matrix sets out for kids.

From a resources perspective, a community perspective, an alignment of common values perspective, and a practical perspective, it is far more intelligent and enjoyable to leverage the work of those who have come before you (your family!) to help you live your life as you see fit rather than jump into the abyss to be the next slave controlled by Satan’s death cult. (Did I say that out loud?)

“You can’t do that! You’ll be a ‘freeloader’!!”

I imagine if you hate your children, perhaps this is what you say.

But I can’t think of anything more rewarding than supporting the hopes and dreams of my children, having them near to offer them advice and counsel as they interact with the real world and continuing to add value to their lives wherever possible.

(But I’ve been called crazy, so take that into consideration before you do anything rash.)

To have a child “start over” when the family could be leveraged to allow them to follow their heart until that path bears fruit for them seems very odd to me.

“But won’t they end up spoiled?”

There are far more effective ways to teach your children values than to knowingly toss them into the Matrix slave plan.

They learn by watching the example YOU have set. That’s the education.

I am grateful my oldest daughter, Amelia, never believed any of that drivel. She’s 19.

As I write this, she is out shooting a wedding in the Red Rocks of Sedona…because she wants to do that.

She’ll stay there for a few weeks and then come home.

She also has a place in a town out west for when she is there to work.

When she’s not there, she’ll be here.

And we will support her in any way we can, with whatever we can.

Not because we have to, because we choose to, because we are looking to BE THE CHANGE we want to see in the world.

And WORKING TO SURVIVE is a type of living that has been engineered, it is NOT the natural state of humanity. Humanity is too powerful.

Being fortunate enough to have a child know who they are at such a young age is something for which I am grateful.

By fostering a situation of what is really “interdependence,” where we each add value to each other is a form of alchemy that produces abundance on many levels.

That is one of the gifts we choose to offer to the next generation.

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