Sovereign Business Daily

Trained to Fail

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Sunny 50 Degrees
3:02 p.m.

In baseball, hitting the ball 3 out of 10 times on a consistent basis can make you a multi-millionaire.

In the direct mail business, having ONE person buy for every 100 pieces of mail you send can make you far wealthier than that.

But in school, something weird happens with the numbers.

  • Getting half the questions right is failing every single time.
  • Even getting seven out of ten right still puts you at the bottom. The teacher will recommend “extra help” and maybe a tutor or more studying time at home.

In real life, succeeding a fraction of the time can bring you serious success.

In slave training camps (called schools for marketing purposes), succeeding a fraction of the time gets you an F, which means “Failing to Perform Like a Slave Should.”

At first, this difference seems odd. Everything seems to be the opposite of the real world.

But it’s not odd when you want to grow slaves. Then it makes perfect sense. And it gets even worse.

One of the powers of the human being is the creative power of AWARENESS.

That upon which awareness is directed GROWS.

Slave training installs the habit of focusing on what you’re NOT good at. In school, it’s “normal” to put your focus on shoring up your weaknesses…on fixing those couple of answers you got “wrong.”

This is a little bit like sending an elephant for tutoring because he got an “F” in tree climbing class.

Stupid is really what it is. And devious.

And it’s one of the reasons that children grow up to be scared adults who can’t bring themselves to follow their hearts into the world.

The evil ones are doing a pretty good job of destroying the fake educational system forever, so that’s going to take care of itself pretty soon. No sane parent will ever subject their child to such an evil institution again.

But that doesn’t fix the billions of adults who’ve been trained to place their awareness on what they’re NOT good at.

To put it bluntly, most adults have been trained to put their awareness on FAILING.

Even more, the idea of making a “mistake” is a program so paralyzing that most will never have the opportunity to appreciate mistake as TRUE LEARNING and vital in the discovery of your path in the world.

You are here to shine in whatever way you’ve been wired to do that.

  • What happens if you pursue your gifts and ignore everything else?
  • What happens if you refuse anything that takes you away from yourself and your understanding about the work you are here to do?

The Matrix will tell you that BAD things can happen. Surely your credit rating will be at risk! BOOOOOO!

The Matrix is dying.

And you can help it along by rejecting its training forever.

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