Down the Rabbit Hole
Rain 41 Degrees
3:21 p.m.
It takes a while to feel “normal” traveling around without a driver’s license.
I’m not there yet. Not completely. How could I be having lived for DECADES as a brainwashed slave?
So you can imagine, that first night I got pulled over for a burned out license plate light (Revenue Collection Officers gotta make money you know, it must have been a slow month), it was a new experience.
There I was, talking with a public actor who thought I was one of those “crazy” people.
After starting into his lecture about what a terrible citizen I was, I informed him that I was, in fact, NOT a citizen.
That’s when his eyes glazed over.
The impromptu meeting he called on the side of the road ended without incident and we went our separate ways.
(For those who are curious, there’s no controversy when you meet a public actor like I did that night. I acknowledged receipt of his offer to contract (which is what a ticket is) and honored it to the full extent of the law. The fact that he doesn’t understand the law is none of my concern.)
I’m sure he’s forgotten that night by now. But I haven’t. Because that’s when I learned a profound lesson about what responsibility feels like.
In the system, we feel a tremendous weight lifted when we know we are FOLLOWING THE RULES. There’s support we feel from that. If we’re following the rules, we’re not doing anything “wrong,” right?
I did that for a long time thinking it was responsible. Little did I realize I had no idea what RESPONSIBLE meant.
In the system, there is no shortage of opportunity to hand off responsibility for some or all of our actions.
Limited liability corporate structures, insurance, expert opinions. Lots of places we can allow someone else to be responsible for our affairs.
But that is not real. It’s fake. It doesn’t change that we’re always ultimately responsible, it just changes how we feel. And since everyone plays along, the charade continues.
Following the rules makes us feel good because that’s how we were trained.
The thing is, when you get out of the matrix the way I’ve done it, you’re actually following the rules better than most anyone you encounter. They don’t even know the real law.
But it takes some getting used to when you feel the true weight of full self-responsibility go back onto your shoulders.
Developing the capacity to carry that weight is journey of MAJOR growth.
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