Sovereign Business Daily

The Reason to Do What You Love

By the Ocean
Before Sunrise 71 Degrees
5:43 a.m.

You do what you love because it changes you. It changes your vibration. It raises the quality and the power of the signal you emit into the world.

You do what you love so that the material world comes in alignment with that vibration to give you the life you came to live.

Why do you think you love to do the thing you love to do?

Do you think it’s a mistake? Do you think it’s a distraction? Do you think the Divine overlooked that small detail and forgot to remove it so you could focus on being miserable in the Matrix? Do you think that you were given this gift just so you could wait 40-50 years, until you had all of your material requirements met doing the thing you never wanted to do but “had” to do to get money, so you could then begin to do the thing you love in that part of life when bodies tend to be less prepared to achieve maximum creative output?

The reason you do what you love is because that is how you become a steward of the gift you were given to share with the world.

That’s the first decision that happens. The decision to BE IT.

After that comes the working things out part. That’s when you get creative about how to present your gifts in ways that are materially rewarding. That’s when you develop the skills required to package the gift you have in a way that can solve a problem for the world.

But none of that matters if you never make the decision. None of that is necessary if you never choose YOU and instead choose the FEAR the Matrix serves up every single day of your life.

What if there isn’t enough? What if you struggle? What if they laugh? What if your parents tell you that you are a failure? What if your friends think you’ve gone crazy?

What if you spend your life lying to yourself about what makes you feel alive and, because of fear and a lack of a strong spine, you never actually show up as the real version of yourself for the world?

Now THAT would be a problem.

But the Matrix wil never say that. “Just stay focused on your retirement plan. Get Johnny and Suzy into good schools. Check your stock portfolio and be ready for the open enrollment period for that medical insurance plan you want.”

Doing what you love isn’t a reward you earn after slaving away doing something you hate. Doing what you love is a way of living that activates a navigation system for you through your life that no guru, teacher, course or book of knowledge can reveal.

You’ve got to discover it for yourself.

It takes courage. That’s IT. Everything else is inside just waiting to be unpacked, understood and put to use in service of the world.

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