Sovereign Business Daily

The Quest to Be More White

Down the Rabbit Hole
In the Tropics
Sunny 80 Degrees
8:33 a.m.

Since a tried-and-true Matrix strategy for dividing people is to pit one race against another, the folks in charge of the sinking Matrix ship have been working overtime to get different colors of humans to hate each other.

This is just like in business, where certain tactics are extremely effective…for a while. And then, often overnight, they go from effective to relatively worthless, even cringeworthy if you keep using them long past their expiration date.

And so it is with the race strategy.

This topic always reminds me of a racist dog we had once. His name was Alex. He was black and he didn’t like black people. He would start barking at them when we met on the street. In Chicago, that was pretty often!

The funny part of the story is that, when we were moving to a new place and couldn’t take him with us, we found a nice home for him with a loving black woman. And that’s where he lived for the remainder of his days!

Now I’m white. I’ll always be white and I suppose there’s not much to be done about it.

The matrix would say, “Feel Guilty Slave!”

But since I didn’t come here to play stupid games, and considering the primary product of the Matrix is engineered insanity, I have to find something else to do with my time.

All I can do is become more white than ever!

In the work I do with businesses, the goal isn’t to make you something you’re not so people accept you and buy your stuff, it’s to make you more of who you are so that certain people can pick you out from the crowd as the obvious right choice for them.

Once you know who you are and what you stand for, your need to control perception goes out the window. At that point, the work is to shun the non-believers and go about doing your work.

Once the Matrix is done crumbling and its ashes offer little more than a memory of the evil it created, we can realign humanity to live in peace and harmony with each other.

But there’s no reason you can’t start early! And the first place to find peace and harmony is in being able to live with yourself, exactly as you were made to be.

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