Sovereign Business Daily

The Pressure of “What Isn’t”

By the Ocean
Cloudy 76 Degrees
6:02 a.m.

As long as we’re working with humans, we get to choose whether or not we want to play the games they play.

I hated doing this in music school. Inside my mind, the world would be a meritocracy where the cream rose to the top by nature of its demonstrated value.


Because that’s not how it works.

The world works, for whatever reason, according to a very different set of rules. At least it does for now.

My hunch is that most of you reading this are here to do something to change that…but no pressure… it’s the weekend after all and the Matrix says we’re supposed to rest and relax before we go back to our “serious” lives at the factory!

  • What we know about humans is that they want what they can’t have.
  • They are enamored by the new.
  • They are not attracted to things that are easy to get.

It pays to know the rules, even if you choose to break them.

Because in a world where there is more noise than ever, more need chasing attention than ever, and available attention than ever, becoming a master of attraction is extremely helpful.

But once you know the game exists, once you learn its rules, my recommendation is to make it unnecessary and irrelevant.

That’s why mindset and BEING work are so valuable. That’s why getting rid of stuck energy in your body is valuable. That’s why rewiring the programs on the inside of you is so valuable. This is all of the stuff the Matrix tells you is soft and silly and a waste of time. It’s no wonder they don’t teach this in school. If the slaves ever discovered they could grant themselves their own freedom, the whole game would end!

You don’t have to ACT like you don’t need anything when that’s actually the TRUTH about how you feel.

And once you get THERE, everything changes. Your life improves. Your business improves. And nothing even needs to happen “out there” for you to achieve that.

It is true freedom.

Who do you think has a better result out in the business world, the guy filled with need or the guy who doesn’t need anything?

Who would YOU choose to be around? Who would you choose to give your money to? Who would you choose to recommend to others?

Need is the enemy of whole. It is the opposite of love. It is a container for fear. It runs counter to everything you are truly searching for on this plane.

The quickest way to get started on this journey out of Need Land, without having to leave your chair, is to completely OWN what is.

That means you accept full responsibility for your entire situation as it is right now. That doesn’t mean you won’t change it in the next moment. It just means that, in this moment, you fully accept and own it.

You look at everything around you and say, “I DID THAT.”

What does that feel like?

To me, it feels like calm. It feels like freedom. It feels like the biggest and most relaxing exhale you’ve ever taken. To be OK with NOW is the ultimate goal. We just want to be able to do that all the time without thinking about it.

OWNING the moment means that you allow the energetic activation to relax that tells us NOW isn’t enough.

Can’t you feel that? In the world of a business owner, it’s there pretty much all of the time.

Do more, make more, sell more, be more. Pressure from the outside pushing in on the moment of NOW.

That’s the pressure of WHAT ISN’T pushing in from the outside. Except “what isn’t” can’t, by definition, exist. So what’s creating that feeling? That pressure is a creation of our MIND. We’re trained to do that so that we remain in a state of need.

OWNING the moment relieves that pressure. It brings your mind to a place of calm. It allows the body to breathe.

And then, when you can extend this one moment into every moment, that’s when your world transforms.

Business is not just learning how to sell and make money. It is learning how to master your ability to create the world you want to see and be enriched at the same time.

You don’t do that by changing what’s out there, you do it by changing YOU.

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