Sovereign Business Daily

The Power Center of Your Universe

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Rain 56 Degrees
2:51 p.m.

For most of my life, I did everything possible to avoid doing anything “wrong.” Even more, I did everything I could think of, when I DID do something wrong, to avoid getting in “trouble” for it.

Having the focus of the authority placed on my being created a level of discomfort I didn’t want to deal with.

As I grew up, I realized this feeling was directly connected to my understanding of the location of the power center of my Universe.

  • Religion told me the power center of my Universe was “out there” in some other being I’d never seen who loved me so much I’d burn in hell if I didn’t do what “He” said.
  • The lawyers told me the power center of my Universe was also “out there” amongst the volumes of “laws” every upstanding member of society was commanded to follow.
  • Even the bankers weighed in on this one. Those folks proclaimed that the power center of my Universe was with them as they played their own version of “God” dictating the interactions I had with “my” money.

The Matrix has many programs to lead you to believe YOU are not the power center of your Universe.

You are free to believe any of their programs you choose to believe.

I believed ALL OF THEM!

But there IS another option.

And that is to accept the responsibility that comes with identifying that YOU are, in fact, the power center of your Universe.

You might think this would be a tough job. But it’s the easiest thing in the world…once you decide to do it.

After that, a lot of things change.

Having moved the center of your power and authority back to your own being, you have little need for so many of the habits we form as we grow up:

  • You stop trying to please others.
  • You stop trying to do it right.
  • You stop trying to avoid problems.
  • You stop trying not to be seen.
  • You stop trying to follow any directives that run counter to your truth.
  • You stop trying not to get in trouble.
  • You stop allowing any authority that is not your own dictate how you think, speak or act.

Freedom is not something you wrestle away from the clutches of another.

It is just laying at your feet, waiting for you to stand up and claim it as your own.

It’s odd no one ever mentioned this in school.

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