Sovereign Business Daily

The Market For Truth

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Partly Cloudy 34 Degrees
7:14 a.m.

You might think that selling the truth to customers and clients would be a hard sell.

But in a world where most everything that is shoved down your throat is a LIE, it turns out there’s a hungry crowd looking for it.

Actually, hungry might be an understatement. Starving is probably closer to the truth.

The clues are evident.

Take, for example, our former favorite search engine, Duck Duck Go. Or as we like to call it now, “Duck Duck Gone.”

In a recent announcement, they have decided to join the war against Russian “disinformation” (congrats Matrix brainwashing system, you claimed yet another mind for the hive of borgs!) and start manipulating its search results to combat the ever present threat of “Russian disinformation” (cough).

Perhaps to their own surprise, this announcement has not been well received, as you can read in the comments below their post.

This is an interesting case because it shows us the importance of understanding what you’re selling vs. what people are buying.

If you don’t know the difference, you end up making potentially life threatening moves like this maneuver.

Duck Duck Go’s unique selling proposition is privacy. They don’t track you.

That’s what they’re selling.

But what you’re selling doesn’t matter. What people are BUYING is the issue.

And as you can see from the comments below their announcement, people were under the impression they were “buying” neutrality and unaffected presentation of information.

The power of trust is that it does not require a tremendous amount of upkeep once it is built.

The flip side is that you can completely destroy even the most solid trust with a SINGLE misstep. These missteps usually happen when you don’t fully understand WHO you are here to serve or what they want.

Understanding provides clarity for your actions to be in alignment with the priorities of those you serve.

A lack of understanding means your actions are influenced by other outside forces.

You know what you’re selling.

Do you know what the people you serve are buying?

Are you sure?

For the record, if you happen to be selling TRUTH in some form in your business, it seems like the marketplace is ready to buy.

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