Sovereign Business Daily

The Magic of Goodwill

Down the Rabbit Hole
In the Tropics
Sunny 80 Degrees
10:01 a.m.

We’re all wired for making money in different ways. I’ve proven to myself that the way Jason is wired to make money is to help others make money.

My ego has hated this discovery ever since day one. And every now and again, when my ego (we call him Chuck) breaks out of his cage in the basement, he tries to show the world he’s got what it takes to succeed as a solo act.

But he doesn’t. At least not by himself. And that’s why “Chuck” usually falls on his face and has to slink back into his cage if he doesn’t want to miss dinner.

Being a “rock star,” out alone on stage, isn’t what I’m here to do. The primary spotlight I get is when some of the spotlight I help others generate spills over and shows my shadow in the background.

At first, I thought I was in the business of helping others make money. But that is such a shallow understanding, that over the years, I’ve dug deeper trying to get clearer on why the hell I’m here on this plane.

The business I’m really in has to do with goodwill and helping business owners generate it in scalable and systematic ways.

Most humans are not trained to put a value on goodwill, the reputation/relationship/bond/energetic-connection you or your business has with the world. But that doesn’t mean it has no value, it only means that most humans are trained to be blind to it.

Some are trained to see it. That’s why goodwill has earned a spot on balance sheets in the Matrix. It’s considered an “intangible” asset. So at least accountants know it exists!

From the perspective of your average guy, transforming goodwill into money is alchemy. You take something that has no value (according to most people) and you transform it into something that DOES have value, MONEY!

But it’s not really alchemy, it’s simply changing energy from one form into another.

The magic starts with goodwill. If you can generate that, and the method by which you generate it has been crafted in a strategic way, then you’re getting pretty close to transforming that goodwill into the type of energetic form you can use to eat, buy a house, take a vacation, or give yourself a lot more choices about how to go through life. We’re talking about MONEY.

Without goodwill, you might still make money, but you’ll be generating rather lifeless transactions, not building something with depth and authenticity.

The WORK is generating the goodwill in meaningful and strategic ways so that the energy can naturally transform into money.

Generating goodwill affords you the privilege of solving problems for your customers and clients and engineering the production of MONEY.

This is how you take your focus OFF generating money directly and put it on something that will generate the money for you.

It’s a shortcut for removing the vibration of lack from your field and replacing it with something more in tune with the reality you want to create…a reality of abundance.

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