Sovereign Business Daily

The Belief Barrier

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Sunny 55 Degrees
2:35 p.m.

Belief is an interesting human phenomenon.

Entire cults (often referred to as religions when you’re IN them) are based upon nothing more than belief and its close cousin, faith. I know. I was in one for a very long time.

The religion I was taught, the one where I was instructed to give my power away to another being for my entire life in hope that I would reap a reward in the NEXT life, the one I wasn’t actually LIVING YET, was powered by belief each and every day of the year.

When you choose to fully RECLAIM your power, however, you can’t really use belief in quite the same way.


I found out. But it took me awhile! I eventually realized that while belief might be an asset in one paradigm, it can quickly shift to a liability in another.

In the world of religion, belief is a great thing. It is actually a sign of “progress.”

Outside of that paradigm, however, belief takes on a slightly different flavor.

In the paradigm I inhabit now, I would describe “belief” as the abdication of responsibility for continued critical thought.

That is not a good thing. But it’s even more serious than that.

Beliefs are static energetic containers that serve as a lens through which your creative capacity flows.

You don’t believe a thing into existence…but WHAT YOU BELIEVE affects what you bring into existence.

Believe whatever you want. Just know that BELIEF is a conscious choice that affects what you create.

If you don’t like what you see being created, perhaps your “beliefs” are one of the things that warrant investigation.

What could belief be keeping you from actually knowing?

What could belief be keeping you from creating?

What would you create if you chose to “believe” nothing?

Would that be the “end?”

Or would that be the very beginning?

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