In Just 30 Days, You Can Develop Your Ability to Transform the Lives of Your Prospects, Clients and Customers With the Written Word

During the “Power in Print” Workshop, I Will Personally Help You Shift Your Approach to the Written Word and How You Use It To Create Success in Your Life and the Lives of Those You Serve

There’s something weird that happens to a lot of business owners when they sit down to “write” copy of any kind for their business. Doesn’t matter if it’s an email or a salesletter or a landing page or a printed booklet. They go from having a unique and valuable voice in person to someone whose confidence, clarity, power and influence just kind of disappear.

Copywriting courses can kind of help, sort of. If you know NOTHING, that’s a good place to start. But so many of those courses are filled with “rules” that make the poor writer sound like a programmed puppet. Hardly effective. Hardly powerful.

If you look at most of the sales copy on the internet these days, you can TELL when someone’s taken a copywriting course. They’re just regurgitating someone else’s ideas onto the page.

So much of communicating power in print goes on BEFORE the writing actually begins. It’s a different way of thinking about you, your prospect and what has to happen and not happen for that prospect to become a client or customer.

When you don’t know about all of that or you don’t do it well, you end up with the type of writing you see everywhere:

The approach is wrong. The angle is wrong. The tone is wrong. The structure is wrong. The SUBSTANCE is wrong.

Pushing or Pulling?

One of the many problems is that people are led to believe that copywriting is about pushing someone to do something rather pulling someone to do something.

They also are led to believe that copywriting is about convincing people to do something. If you truly want to master this art, these are NOT traps you want to fall into.

Instead, you want to figure out a way to use the written word to focus, direct, inspire, empower and motivate your readers to move forward on the journey you’ve laid out for them.

This is part art, part science, and completely learnable by just about anyone who cares.

The Power in Print Workshop

That’s why I’m offering this four week, work at your own pace, WORKSHOP to teach my approach to writing to business owners.

Each week will begin with a content module outlining the principles of focus for the week. We’ll talk about a WIDE range of topics including but not limited to mindset, writing strategy, creating the angle, positioning, tone, structure, how to turn bland writing into something interesting, storytelling, connecting with your reader and more.

There’s a LOT that goes into doing this well, which is why most of the writing you see out there doesn’t make much of an impact.

At the end of each module, you’ll receive a written homework assignment to turn in for my review.

In exchange for your completed homework, I’ll return an edited (and annotated, which means you see my changes and the explanation for them) version of your writing incorporating the material we’ve covered from each of the previous weeks.

You’ll get to SEE what this approach actually looks like because I’ll take what you send in and rewrite it myself.

The Power In Print workshop is designed to forever change how you approach writing and the results you are able to achieve from it.

If you’ve been reading my daily emails or other writings and want to learn a repeatable strategy and framework for doing that yourself, this is what we’ll be doing.

If there’s one skill that has transformed my reality more than any other, it’s writing.

Enrollment for the workshop is $497.

After you receive the welcome email, be sure to reply to it with a sample of your best writing.