Sovereign Business Daily

Moving Out of Vendorville

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Cloudy 62 Degrees
7:30 a.m.

If you’re going to build a business that allows you to create material success YOUR WAY, there’s one place you want to make sure you don’t put it…

And that is in a town I call “Vendorville.”

Who lives there? Vendors do.

What is a “vendor?”

One example is a plumber…or a tree trimmer…an electrician…a massage therapist…a computer technician…and thousands of others.

There are magical exceptions in every industry, of course, but there aren’t many!

In the town of Vendorville, only three things matter:

  1. General competence, aka are you good “enough?”
  2. How much will it cost?
  3. How long will it take?

If you’re in a business where these are the most important questions being asked by your prospective customers or clients, you have a major opportunity to transform your world and the level of result you are creating.

If you’re simply getting hired for “what you do,” and that thing is also done by thousands of others, there’s a good chance you are the proud owner of a two bedroom cottage in Vendorville.

To move out, the decision in the mind of the client or customer needs to become more about WHO is doing the work vs the actual work being done.

This is not something that happens by magic, it is something you engineer.

This is how you instantly transform yourself from a “one out of many” possible choices to the ONLY choice.

Ultimately, the goal is to create an environment where it is YOU, or your COMPANY or ORGANIZATION that is the most desired piece of the solution, not just the “thing you do.”

If you’ve never experienced this, you may not think it’s possible.

And that’s fine.

But that’s only because you probably have not yet experienced the power of an IDEA to create real value for the world from nothing.

This is an energetic alchemy to which we all have access, should we choose to learn how to use that power.

The good news is that, unlike the world of real estate, you can make a decision to move out of Vendorville LONG before you have anywhere else to go!

Step one is to understand the fundamental behaviors of a vendor and then choose to stop aligning yourself with those behaviors.

The truth of the situation is that you are a unique focal point of consciousness which supplies humanity with a VERY unique perspective on the world.

“What you do” is deeply affected by this. What clients and customers “get” because of what you do, the result that is achieved, is also deeply affected.

The Matrix trains the minds of its slaves to minimize these differences, to sand off their “rough” edges, until they become all but the faintest of memories.

The purpose of the Matrix, after all, is to keep the sheep in the pen. So their training program for achieving these aims should come as no surprise!

But this training program has enormous consequences…especially should one decide to go out on your own into the world of business.

Because once the training is “complete,” (they call it graduation!) that’s the point at which the individual is forced to go away on a week long silent retreat or pay a therapist thousands of dollars to “find himself.”

The most important aspect of this journey to understand is that, in Vendorville, the terms of living are largely dictated to its inhabitants by outside forces.

But once you move out, once you setup camp in a land that is of your own creation, none of those rules apply.

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