Money Matters

Money Matters

How to Repair Your “Money Mindset”

Dear Friend,

Rich people are going to hell…

Rich people are liars and cheaters who step on the heads of others to get where they want to go…

Rich people are cheap and they are only worried about themselves…

Ooooo… can’t you just feel the love in statements like those? Hardly. Pretty caustic stuff those statements are. And saying those things tends to say more about the speaker than the folks being spoken about. Just terrible things to say about other human beings.

But that’s what I heard, from a number of places, growing up.

That’s the kind of junk that got embedded deep into the recesses of my belief systems about money and value and worth.

If You Want to Mess With Somebody’s Future, Just Fill Him Full of Garbage Like This!

If I had chosen to remain a hamster in the wheels of the system like many people do, these beliefs would have served me well. Oh not me, really, but the system. These beliefs would have kept me from sticking my head up above the crowd. They would have kept me from pursuing more than I was told I should have. And they certainly would have kept me living in a constant state of US vs. THEM. People who live in that sort of a dynamic are easy to control.

Fortunately, I chose another path.

I chose the path where I go out and try to make it on my own.

I chose the path where I venture out into the world to pursue the creation of an independent livelihood where I make my own rules.

Given the set of tools and beliefs I was working with, that’s a little bit like sending someone into a nuclear war with a plastic kitchen knife. And I probably don’t have to tell you that the going WAS NOT easy. In fact, I got pretty darn battered and bloodied.

The Only Thing I Did Right For Quite Some Time Was That I Simply Refused to Quit

I didn’t quit trying to build a business, even though my belief system said business people were horrible human beings…

I didn’t quit trying to make a great living, even though my belief system said that pursuing money was bad and evil…

And I didn’t quit trying to blaze my own path even though my belief system clearly said that I had to wait for permission from the authorities to do anything…

You know what happens when someone pushes through things like this that they’re not equipped to push through?

Resistance happens. Friction happens. Heat builds up. And there’s a good chance you end up with full blown rage. Or maybe that’s just me 🙂

But as that anger builds, it becomes the fuel source to continue. And so I did.

What Happens to Beliefs That Get Proven Wrong Over and Over Again?

Over time, my beliefs (although they mounted quite a defense) started to crumble. Time after time, my experiences proved them wrong. My actual dealings in the world slowly unraveled the lies I’d been fed.

After a while, I started to realize that all of these “beliefs” I’d been carrying around for years were little more than someone else’s thoughts. Some of them were thoughts shared by millions, but they were still only thoughts. Simple bits of energy that had been given form and structure by someone OTHER than me.

What Happens When You Change the Program?

When you carry around beliefs that are not your own, particularly in the areas of money and value, you basically are a slave to programming that is not your own.

In the business world, this becomes your constant enemy. You have little chance of winning the battle because you can’t even locate your opponent. You can only see the effects of his actions.

If you’d like to change your approach to dealing with the whole subject of money, I’d like to help you do it.

If you’ve ever said to yourself, “I can’t afford this…” or had your dreams otherwise modified or curtailed because of a lack of “money,” this event is something you should consider.

During the Money Matters Class, I’m going to walk you through some of the things I’ve learned over the years to clear out this head trash and reset my beliefs about money and value.

I’m going to show you the tools I’ve used to slowly undo the damaging Money Matter programs…

Heare Are a Few of the Things You’ll Discover…
  • A simple process you can use to get the benefit of “good money programs” while you actually working on rewriting those programs. It’s a shortcut that works.
  • The secret I learned from a multi-millionaire about how NOT to approach the subject of money.
  • Simple ways to increase the money flowing to you without having to work 24/7.
  • How you can apply the principles of smart attraction and reality creation to the world of money.

Please understand, this is not about becoming a gazillionaire. In terms of living a full life, I just don’t see that ranking very highly on the list of priorities.

This is about understanding the energy of money and developing a way to end the control it has over you.

In my experience, when you work towards that goal, more money does tend to show up.

Here’s What You Get

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