“Laws of the Land” Workshop


How to Leverage the Power of the “First Impression” to Set Yourself Apart From Everyone Else, Defuse Prospect Objections in Advance and Cement Your Position As THE Trusted Advisor

If you take a look at the Platform Spiral, you see that one of the major components is the Laws of the Land Follow-Up Sequence. This is delivered to new prospects when they join your list.

I’ve spent a few years refining and perfecting the process to create a media platform, the next step is the Laws of the Land follow-up sequence.

This is the sequence of messages that is automatically delivered to a new prospect in the days and weeks after they enter your universe.

And done well, it can create a lot of opportunity for you as well as steer you clear of many different obstacles.

If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you’ve probably had clients or prospects, at some point, say something like, “Oh, I didn’t know you did that?”

Those are always educational moments, aren’t they? You realize you majorly missed an opportunity because of a breakdown in your communication systems. Why does this happen?

Because there’s no system in place for methodically delivering the STORY OF YOU to a new prospect. Everyone just gets bits and pieces based on chance. This is what the “Laws of the Land” sequence is made for. What you do, what you don’t do and why. That could be in the story of you. That way, everyone knows. You’ve probably proven to yourself, as I have, that no one can read your mind. So if you don’t TELL THEM these things, they never know. And then you miss out.

Each week, for three weeks, you will receive a new video lesson to watch and think through. These lessons will discuss strategy, they will discuss copywriting, they will discuss differentiation, they will discuss your decision points, they will discuss how to build this series for your business in relation to your media platform.

Each lesson will come with homework that you submit for review.

After the first three sessions, you will write your email series…about 7-10 messages… and then submit them to me.

The final session is a one-on-one review, with me, of what you’ve created. I’ll critique your work, offer suggestions for improvement and do some editing on a case-by-case basis.

By the end of the Workshop, you’ll have your laws of the land series thought out, written and refined.

There are five primary pieces of information we will use during this process:

  1. A clear picture of what you do, for whom you do it, and what your clients GET because of what you do.
  2. A deep understanding of the pain you solve for your clients, what they care about, what they are trying to achieve.
  3. The unique way you approach your work or create the result that attracts clients.
  4. What the “next step” is for prospects who are interested in discovering more about working with you.
  5. Primary objections you hear for hiring you (fees too high, etc.) that will be systematically “defused” (yes, like a bomb) and dealt with in advance during the sequence.

What is the value of ONE client who perceives you as the perfect leader for them? That’s a question only you know the answer to. But it’s probably a nice number.

Understand that this is not about getting some “emails” written. Lots of people can write emails. What lots of people can’t do is develop the strategy to attract someone to you, to build your credibility and to make it clear to them you are the obvious choice.

The Laws of the Land follow-up sequence is about using email to deliver a strategic plan paving the way for a strong and profitable relationship with a client.

Enrollment is $1,497.