Sovereign Business Daily

I Took the Stupid Vaccine

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Cloudy 58 Degrees
2:23 p.m.

No, not the fake “vaccine…” the one that Satan’s little helpers designed to kill people…I’m talking about the real Stupid Vaccine, the one that provides full immunity from Stupid.

This is not a well publicized health option because, frankly, the Matrix requires people willing to think, say and do stupid things to keep itself alive.

The Stupid Vaccine isn’t even something you inject into your arm, it’s something that is absorbed directly into your being.

The raw materials of this substance are knowledge, experience, truth, resolve and whatever else you need in order to activate your own spine enough to support living your Will out in the world.

I am grateful the Universe saw fit to deliver my first dose of this medicine many years ago. I’ve been taking it regularly since then.

The Stupid Vaccine is freely available to all, although it comes in many different packages depending on the specific formulation you need.

Fair warning, there ARE known side effects. Possible ones include:

  • A growing ability to spot lies and act in spite of the brainwashing of the Matrix.
  • An increasing desire and ability to live as you see fit, with no regard for the opinions of others.
  • A sharp decline in fear based mental chatter as you realize that death of a physical body is the least of humanity’s problems.
  • A rekindled connection with your own truth and your ability to see YOUR next step on your journey.
  • A renewed understanding of your power to create the world you want to see.

This is a crazy medicine. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

So choose wisely. Your life hangs in the balance.

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