Sovereign Business Daily

Have a Great Weekend!

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Sunny 37 Degrees
11:04 a.m.

Today, my daughter asked me if it was the weekend…

She knows the days of the week, but for some reason, completely missed identifying the location of the “weekend.”


Well, she doesn’t really have a reason to care about it. It’s not important in her reality. She doesn’t “look forward” to weekends like most are trained to do.

She doesn’t reserve her “fun” for the weekends either.

In fact, there’s really no reason for her to consider one day of the week as better, more important, more fun or having more freedom than any other.

My daughter asked the question because she was curious about whether her friends are in school today.

When I told her we were on Wednesday and that the weekend was only Saturday and Sunday, her first words were:

“Only two days? Poor kids…”

To her, two days to do what you want is bad enough. She doesn’t even know that school is where kids are trained to think it’s normal to ask for permission to attend to their own bodily needs when they have to go to the bathroom.

Shouldn’t every child know what the weekend is? Shouldn’t every child know the square root of 4? Shouldn’t every child know the capital of Venezuela?

Who knows? Make up your answer. You get to choose!

These are only questions that mind slaves ask. Because in that world, these are LOGICAL and VITAL questions. Questions like these are how the Matrix members identify whether someone is “part of the club” or not. If the base level of the training is present, they know they are in the presence of someone “like them.”

Everyone “should” know certain things because the Matrix has told its members that is TRUTH.

Outside of that mind prison, however, the concept of what someone “should know” is hilarious. In the real world, you only need to know what you choose to know…what you WANT to know. And YOU are the only qualified authority on what you need and want to know.

Despite what “school” says, facts are relatively useless until required. This is why you do not become valuable to the world just by filling your head with them like they promise in school.

Conceptual processes are far more valuable. We use those for assessing, analyzing and filtering new ideas or experiences that are coming at you.

Principles, morals, beliefs, ethics and personal TRUTH, however…THESE are the foundation of everything. When a child is clear about THIS level of things, everything else can be figured out with little trouble.

It’s no wonder those things are not taught in school. A principled human is impossible to control.

And here we come to a truth the Matrix dare not have the slaves discover:

Freedom from this shit is available to everyone.

Dropping the habits, routines, thought processes, rituals and emotional controls that were taught to you in the slave curriculum can be the very first step.

This step is FREE, it requires no permission, it requires NOTHING outside of yourself.

What it requires from inside of yourself, however, will be different depending on your situation.

The freedom is available, but you must be brave enough to pick it up, to claim it, to live it and to not care what anyone says about that.

The sheep will generally NOT respond well to anyone trying to escape over the fence. The sheep police the other sheep because they have been trained to do that.

Every act of bravery you put forth is not only threatening to them, but an indictment of their own cowardice and willingness to betray their own truth in favor of compliance.

When you make the sheep uncomfortable, you know you’re getting somewhere.

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