Sovereign Business Daily

Getting into the Right Box

By the Ocean
Sunny 76 Degrees
6:55 a.m.

Inside the mind of a human is an endless array of “boxes” waiting to be filled.

If your business shows up and there’s no place to put you, no “box” that’s the obvious right place for you to be categorized in, that’s a problem. You’ll be discounted as something too different to classify…maybe even as a possible threat.

If your business shows up and the box you fit in is so obvious, that’s also a problem. You’ll be passed over and identified as “something we’ve seen before.”

The goal is to fill an existing box in a novel way, in a way that’s never been done before.

That way, you’re one-of-a-kind, but you can still be understood.

Being a misunderstood genius is a great way to struggle. If everyone is confused by you, there’s no way they will buy. Confused people do not buy.

Adult humans are not children, but most of them act that way. The reason is because, on the INSIDE, emotionally speaking, they ARE children. They are living in the very same emotional loops that were installed in them as children, but inside of their adult body.

It’s fairly rare to come across humans who have done the work to transcend those obstacles.

And so we’re left with lots of choices. How do you tell a story to the world that is something unique and different but WITHIN the context of something they can understand?

This is where business becomes art. Because there are lots of ways of answering that question. Finding the BEST answer is the goal of great marketing.

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