I thought I was doing everything right…
I was certainly following all of the rules. I was living in the box, a good sheep in the system, having no idea that the higher I rose in those ranks, the farther and farther I was walking from my true self.
I fell for the trap and thought I had to choose from the paths in life that were presented to me. I didn’t realize I had skipped over doing all of the real work that would lead to the life I was supposed to live.
I never figured out who I was because I was always too scared to be anyone other than what the world asked that I be.
I never understood how to connect with the right work because I listened to the brainwashing I received about what was possible, reasonable, appropriate and expected.
I wasn’t able to discover my purpose because I spent all of my time looking for it. I had no idea where the answer was hiding. I didn’t have the tools required to bring it forth from the depths within me.
I never grew up on the inside because I didn’t realize that being a man meant developing the power to be the stillness in the midst of storm. I wasn’t aware that, to be a whole being, you must develop the ability to gift to yourself everything you are trained to seek from others.
I had no understanding that the children I helped bring forth into the world were to serve as my teachers for some of the biggest lessons of my life. I didn’t realize, at first, that they had chosen to serve as a refiner’s fire for me to grow closer to my truest and purest expression of myself.

(This is my family on the night of the birth of my newest son, Rumi. These are my teachers. We ALMOST got everyone’s eyes open in ONE picture.)
And from that destruction began the creation of something new. It was the beginning of the journey towards becoming a whole and autonomous being.
But first, I got angry…
I guess I was angry from the beginning. That’s probably a natural human response to allowing yourself to be controlled for decades…a common reaction to suppressing your true voice in favor of a voice that’s more acceptable…a rational byproduct of completely betraying your true self in an attempt to be accepted and validated by those you have given control over your life.
It’s enough to make anyone a bit hot under the collar.
Unfortunately, anger like I had isn’t productive in a situation like mine. It leads you to think you are at war, that there is an enemy out there that needs to be vanquished.
Not only is this the wrong approach, it is the opposite of the right approach.
The ancient spiritual masters were right all along. Fighting is not the way you win. The way you win is to cease playing the game that has been setup for you to lose.
Instead of feeding the beast with your energy and resistance, you move out of its way, withdraw to higher ground, and rob the monster from its energy source (YOU).
You give up that old game and play another…a game that leads to life.
This requires knowledge, fortitude, courage and a mind and heart willing to embrace true living rather than dying.
This journey requires a combination of internal transformation and an education in the practical knowledge required to navigate through our system without being bound to it.
In the child prison system we refer to as “school,” you were taught none of these things.
You were taught to obey. You were taught to seek acceptance. You were taught to crave validation. You were taught to respond emotionally to the granting or withholding of gold stars.
In its simplest terms, the curriculum in school groomed you to be a mental, emotional and spiritual SLAVE.
With such comprehensive training, physical bonds are no longer required for complete control.

(My daughter Cove. She will never need to remember who she is because she will never be put in an environment that forces her to forget.)
Each month, I sit down and write about my experiences on my journey.
The Sovereign Business Freedom Letter is a place where I share what I’ve learned and what I’m personally doing and thinking with those who want to walk the path towards autonomy in all things.
I’ll talk about what I’m learning living outside the system, how I’m building my businesses and working for myself, how I’m raising my 10 children, how I’m pursuing optimal health in my body, mind and spirit and much more.
There’s no territory that is off limits.
What are specific things that might come up?
- Why I don’t carry a driver’s license, and how I still manage to get around and travel freely.
- What we do in our family regarding birth certificates for our children and what each of the options MEANS for the future.
- How I’ve reclaimed my status as a lawful parent (as opposed to a legal guardian) in order to fully protect my children and what we’ve done to make sure they are no longer property of the state subject to kidnapping by various alphabet agencies.
- How I’ve built my enterprises so as to avoid any and all attachments to the system.
- Why I “own” nothing and how I’ve structured things to be in the world and not of it.
- The possibilities available for someone who does not want to get a “license” of any variety to engage in their livelihood.
- How to transform doing what you love into a sustainable way to provide.
- Why I left the commercial world (and what that means) and entered a completely alternate jurisdiction where the human spirit can flourish rather than wither.
You can expect to be empowered, educated, directed and motivated to live and work on YOUR terms and to receive some of the tools, strategies and ways of thinking and acting that make such a life possible.
You can subscribe for $29 per month, new issues are published around the 12th-15th of each month.
If you want to see behind the scenes into the life of a man who is living and working in ways you have been told are not possible, then I encourage you to accept this invitation and activate your subscription.
In addition to the monthly newsletter, you’ll receive access to the Sovereign Business Community Forum where you can ask specific questions about each issue and how the material relates to YOUR life.

(This is the message my wife wears on her arm. A reminder of the true nature of everyone.)
Life is too short to live it according to someone else’s plan.
Freedom will never be granted to you. You must walk the road required to claim it.
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