Sovereign Business Daily

Finding Freedom

By the Ocean
Sunny 78 Degrees
6:23 a.m.

Today we’re trained in this country to celebrate the memory of a reality that currently does not exist.

We are told to celebrate freedom and independence while also being led to believe that those things still live among us. That we, in this part of the world, are the living embodiment of that ideal.

The primary weapons used to perpetuate such a mockery of truth is the ability to lie without end and the brass balls and sheer insanity required to insist that 2 + 2 = 5 and that war is peace, even though everyone knows that is wrong.

We eat hotdogs and hamburgers to celebrate nothing less than a violent insurrection all while CNN screams at us that “insurrections” (even the fake, engineered ones made for TV) are dangerous, evil and a threat to “freedom.”

But surely we have much freedom to be thankful for! No one here is bound as a serf to a monarch only by whose grace we are allowed to eek out a subsistence living.

Surely there is a preponderance of proof that we are free!

Sadly, when we go looking for that proof, things start to sour. We quickly discover that…

  • You don’t own your house.
  • You don’t own your land.
  • You don’t own your car.
  • You don’t own your money.
  • You don’t own your children.

What is the name for a man or woman who is not allowed to own anything? That’s a simple question to answer. It is SLAVE.

The illusion of ownership is well developed, but the reality is the complete opposite.

What is the fate of a people who are taught they are free as a very fortification of their imprisonment?

Luckily, we will never find out.

Because fortunately, freedom is a vibration that cannot be extinguished from the human form. It is a natural and inherent desire that can only be temporarily displaced or interrupted, but never permanently removed, even with mRNA gene therapy masquerading as “safe and effective” vaccines.

So the question is what is to be done?

What is to be done on a holiday that has become a ritualized mockery of true freedom?

Most will do nothing. They will follow the controllers to the edge of the cliff and walk off, in the name of “freedom.”

But those people don’t read letters like this. They are parked in front of the brainwashing box taking in the next lesson from their owners.

The only reason this reality exists is because we offer our tolerance for it to exist.

Should that tolerance be revoked, so too will the evil that plagues our world.

No violence is required. No conflict. No fighting or yelling either.

Just the peaceful withdrawal of tolerance for that reality to continue.

Perhaps the time has come to step beyond the lies and call out the B.S. at every opportunity. Evil doesn’t know how to deal with you when you laugh in its face and refuse to engage.

And it has even less to say when good-hearted men and women refuse to perpetuate its lies and stand up to unite in pursuit of a world that is right and just.

That is freedom. It is here. It is within each of us. It waits only for the decision to be expressed so its power can be be realized throughout the world.

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