Sovereign Business Daily

Broadcasting on the Frequency of Need

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Windy 53 Degrees
8:51 a.m.

Pretty much everything is backwards in the Matrix.

Our friend, Mr. Orwell, made that pretty clear:

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

We can learn from this. And use it to open up opportunities to transcend the control structure and move into a different level of reality.

The Matrix trains its slaves for an insatiable need to GET. It’s like a low-grade headache that never goes away.

  • Get a job.
  • Get a better job.
  • Get money.
  • Get more money.
  • Get a mortgage.
  • Get a lower interest rate.
  • Get a home.
  • Get a bigger home.
  • Get insurance.
  • Get a better policy.
  • Get, get, get…

The product of this is that humanity moves through life consistently emitting the vibration of lack.

What do humans create with that type of vibration? A reality that matches that vibration. A reality of lack.

So if everything in the Matrix is intentionally backwards and sometimes even BASS-ackwards, then instead of focusing on getting, we might consider focusing on the opposite.

How would this change the vibration we emit?

Well, I know from experience you can’t GIVE and feel needy at the same time.

So the first byproduct of this choice is that we shift the feeling we hold within.

The second byproduct is even more profound. And while I can’t explain it, I know it to be as I have experienced it:


It’s not the volume or size of the gift that matters. What matters is the percentage of your waking time that is spent emitting a vibration of WHOLENESS and ABUNDANCE.

You are always creating. The question is WHAT are you creating?

The quality of the vibration you emit plays a big role in the answer to that question.

This works in business and it works in life. I know. I live it. And I work with people all over the world who live it as well.

The real question then, is how can you give on a consistent basis? What would that look like for you?

  • What would that look like in your business?
  • What would that look like in your life?

If I HAD to explain this magical phenomenon, where the more often you give, the more abundance is manifested, I’d venture a guess that all we’re doing here is aligning ourselves with the natural order of things, which IS abundance.

It is scarcity that has been engineered and sold to the masses as “the way things are.” It’s not. It’s the way they’ve have been manipulated to become.

Can you “out-give” the Universe?

Based on my experience, the answer appears to be “No.” But it does seem that you can create an enormous amount of magic in the world, for yourself and others, should you decide to make that your goal anyway.

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