Sovereign Business Daily

Staying Out of the “Hope Lane”

By the Ocean
Before Sunrise 75 Degrees
6:32 a.m.

Hope is an expensive emotion.

Sometimes, it feels like that’s all you have.

You look around and see people not nearly as smart or talented as you flying by and you ask yourself, “What the hell is going on here?”

When you understand that each being on this plane is here for a unique experience, you eventually realize that paying attention to anyone else’s journey is really a dumb thing to do.

Sure you can learn something, sometimes. But that learning is not always valuable. You just don’t know. Especially in the moment.

So feeling some sort of emotion based on your review of YOUR position compared to someone else’s is an emotionally immature way to pass the time. Even sitting in nature, expressing gratitude for the way the whole thing works like a finely tuned cosmic clock would be more valuable to your life and business. At least there you would walk away having transformed your vibration into the one you need to experience immediate abundance.

There are a lot of places in business where it’s easy to LEAK energy. Our insecurities, our fears, our conditioning lead us to put our awareness on things that have little to no value.

Once you learn that what you put your awareness on grows, you become far more disciplined about how you use your focus.

One example is something I call the “Hope Lane.”

Imagine the road to success. A 6 lane highway with traffic flying around at all speeds. Some folks are in the HOV lane headed right to their destination with no obstacles in front of them for as far as the eye can see. Lucky ducks!

Some folks are on the side of the road dealing with an overheating engine or a blown tire.

Others find themselves in a four-car pile up because they weren’t paying attention while they were flying down the highway.

You know when a prospective client comes on your radar, acts excited about working with you, and has you thinking that the engagement is about to begin. Maybe they even say, “I’ll be ready to get started Friday!”

But then “Friday” comes and nothing happens. Before you know it, it’s Tuesday and then already the following Friday and still all you hear is crickets.

You don’t really want to “follow-up” because you don’t want to annoy the person. So you just sit there. In this weird state that is somewhere between hoping and annoyed by humanity.

So you pull into the “Hope Lane!” You keep thinking about that prospect. You keep waiting for that person to do what he said he was going to do. You keep imagining your future with that new client and that money in your account.

Know that the “Hope Lane” is littered with the carcasses of “dead” business people of all shapes and sizes.

This lane should be marked with hazard signs, with flashing lights and maybe even a rumble strip so you can be alerted when you get too close.


The minute you’re done speaking with a prospect, the smart thing to do is to move onto the next one.

Forget the conversation. Forget the promises. Forget the vision of the future that was painted on that call.

Attach NOTHING to that possibility and embrace the next opportunity in front of you. Or, if there isn’t one, GO MAKE ONE.

The media platform is how you create opportunity. You SHOW UP for people FIRST. You demonstrate your views, skills, abilities, track record FIRST.

But don’t give your power away to prospective clients. That’s not the mark of a strong person, that’s the learned habit of a weak one.

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