Sovereign Business Daily

Beyond the Mind

By the Ocean
Cloudy 76 Degrees
6:58 a.m.

I’m in the idea business. Everything I’ve ever done for/with a client to increase or improve any part of their enterprise began as an idea in my head.

In the music world, Claude Debussy is known for saying, “Music is the space between the notes.” The meaning of that quote is that the real music happens in the negative space, where the sound ISN’T.

Everyone is playing the same notes. The magic is what happens in and around those notes. It is the use of silence that makes the music.

It is no different in the world of ideas.

The negative space of an idea is located in the moments where thinking ceases.

You don’t “think” your way to great ideas. Instead, you BE your way to them.

The Matrix won’t teach you this because it needs you stuck in your mind for its programs to work. This is why most people are miserable…even “successful” people.

Stuck in the mind trying to think your way out is a terrible place to be.

When you realize that most of reality is BEYOND the mind, then you can develop the skills to connect with that in a way that allows you to become more powerful, more effective and much clearer about what the hell you’re doing here.

BEING is where ideas come from. BEING is a state where the mind is silent and a connection is made to a source of knowing far deeper than conscious thought.

BEING puts you in connection with the field, the limitless realm of consciousness from which all things emerge.

The stronger your relationship becomes with that, the better and fuller your life and business will be.

If you want great ideas for your business, spend less time thinking and more time BEING.

If you’re not used to doing this, your mind will start asking you why you’re not “doing anything” to fix your problems and make your business better.

If that happens, know that’s a clue you’re on the right path to something great.

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