Sovereign Business Daily

Going the Other Way

By the Ocean
Cloudy 79 Degrees
7:11 a.m.

Most people are going the wrong way. They’re doing it in life. They’re doing it in business.

So in just about any pursuit, if you just look at what most people are doing and do something else, you’ll be better off.

Right now, the business world online is full of people who know how to put up fancy websites, spend their days on social media and make their world look way better than it actually is.

The actual substance of VALUE has taken a backseat to promotion.

So you end up with a lot of quasi-liars talking about things they have little to no experience actually DOING.

There’s a lot of noise, but an overall declining level of value.

This is a huge opportunity. How do you realize it?

You go the other way.

  • You don’t post more on social media, you post less.
  • You don’t yell louder, you find completely new channels through which to serve.
  • You don’t make unbelievable promises, you actually create real solutions that solve serious problems.

Most people won’t do these things. They don’t have the skills, they don’t have the abilities. They don’t have the love of the craft that supplies you with the patience required to PRACTICE long enough to be great. Ultimately, they don’t really have the time. They’re too busy promoting the facade!

  • These people won’t write a book that matters.
  • These people won’t send things through the mail to generate leads or nurture customers.
  • These people won’t create anything that takes more than a few clicks…unless they can use their subscription to ChatGPT.

Over time, the market will correct itself. The fakers will lose steam and just disappear. The real value will once again rise to the top, just as it always has.

That’s how it worked in the village and that’s how it will work in our connected world. The valuable people WIN.

The current landscape online is a growing divide between the talkers and the doers.

The talkers have to talk because that’s all they have.

The doers don’t talk as much because they are busy doing.

When in doubt, be a doer. Offer the world something great, something that is truly worthy of your life.

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