Sovereign Business Daily

What’s It All For?

By the Ocean
Sunny 79 Degrees
6:55 a.m.

What’s it all for?

We help the people, we make the money, we spend or invest the money, we help more people.

For what?

If you keep yourself busy, you don’t have to bother yourself with these kinds of questions. There’s no time!!

But life isn’t about being busy. It’s not about running from the moment. It’s not about filling every available unit of time with something to think, say or do.

Is it?

Is that really why you came? Is that really what you’re about?


I spent years running only to discover that moving so quickly does not allow for depth.

And so, over time, I’ve learned to make fewer moves, but moves that matter.

In martial arts, you can block an incoming punch from your opponent, or you can put him on the ground and end the confrontation.

Same amount of energy, different level of impact.

This is why so much of the work I do is about helping business people understand why they are here.

It’s so you can go beyond “productive” and give your work real impact.

When you’re doing the real work you came to do, that is the doorway to flow.

Flow is not running, it is not chasing, it is fully inhabiting the moment and using it as a point of power to create the world you want to see.

That’s certainly something worthy of a life. Leaving the world better than you found it.

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