Sovereign Business Daily

Alone in a World Gone Mad

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Windy…Storm’s a Brewin’ 67 Degrees
3:07 p.m.

With the current shit show we’re all watching play out on the world stage, where adults are willingly poisoning themselves with unknown substances…where otherwise loving parents are doing the same thing to their children (which is unconscionable)…where previously sane individuals have begun showing signs of complete disconnect with any level of common sense…

…it’s pretty easy to feel like you’re alone in a world gone mad.

Alone is a condition the Matrix trains its slaves to fear.

Alone is a cold and dark place where it can feel like your very existence is under attack from countless directions. Being alone is something most sheep will do anything to avoid…including poisoning themselves and their children if need be.

But the Matrix is a devious illusion. One where the truth is rather hard to come by. What the Matrix does not make clear about this situation is that the feeling it trains the slaves to fear has nothing to do with the state of being “alone.”

The fear is a fear of feeling LONELY.

What the slaves are never told is that, while “alone” is a circumstance, “lonely” is a choice.

When you can see the difference, you begin to look at being “alone” in a very different light. Eventually, you come to understand there is a power in the state of being alone that is hard to find anywhere else.

Vibration need not exist in abundance to create change. It need only exist at a level of purity sufficient to initiate the reorganization of material reality.

Being “alone” in a world gone mad can be transformed from a “problem” into an opportunity.

It is through the state of being ALONE that you are able to remove outside interference and focus your vibration into something with the power required to create the world you wish to see.

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