Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Sunny 67 Degrees
3:35 p.m.
The Matrix teaches men that they should be in control.
The Matrix, of course, has a plan for men that seems to involve replacing their true power with an engineered impostor.
This impostor “power” directs men to busy themselves in attempts to control things that are not in their control.
“I’m going to make it happen,” are the words of a man who is living within this Matrix prison–a maze designed to occupy a man for his entire life.
What happens is that men who are taught this direct their energy in every place OTHER than where it can do any good.
This practice, which is not capable of creating the change that is desired, only adds to their Matrix-engineered anger, feelings of impotence and general lack of direction and purpose in their life.
To tell a brainwashed man intent on controlling some part of the world that he is embarking on a fool’s mission will bring up a lot of anger.
Because that is how his mind defends its assertion that it is, in fact, capable of controlling things like a “real man” should be able to do.
But deep down, he knows the truth. We all know the truth.
That’s where the anger comes from.
The goal of the Matrix is to create grown up males, babies in adult bodies…not MEN.
If a man is to be in control of anything, he is to be in control of himself. And specifically, in control of HIS EXPERIENCE OF LIFE.
This is not in control of life, it is control of his experience of life.
That type of control is power. REAL POWER.
“So you’re just supposed to let what ever happens, happen?” asks the Matrix trained mind.
No. That would be the path of the truly impotent man, completely disconnected from the very directive principle that he embodies as an expression of the masculine.
The desired path is to develop a level of wisdom where you understand the true causal point of your reality.
It isn’t to be found “out there” in the world we are told to control.
It is found in a place men are told never to dare look.
The causal point of your reality is the experience you choose to have as life moves through you.
This is the magic every man holds within himself.
It is the very power of creation.