Sovereign Business Daily

Wishing For Another Field

By the Ocean
Sunny 74 Degrees
7:42 a.m.

Ever since I’ve taken up “farming” as a profession, it’s brought many lessons about how not to be miserable.

For instance, no sane farmer would wake up and spend the day complaining about the field he was working. Why would you invest energy in something you can’t really change?

The land you have is the land you’ve got. It is unique “land.” No one else on the planet is working with the same plot! So it’s best to figure out how to realize its potential, no matter what that is.

Business might be less frustrating if we adopted a similar approach.

We’ve got a lot of constraints in business that the Matrix teaches us to pretend aren’t there. Despite the constrictive connotation of the word “constraints,” this kind is actually good.

Our “land” (situation) is completely unique. It makes our decisions easier because we have fewer possibilities than we realize.

  1. The biggest constraint in business is WHO YOU ARE.
  2. The second biggest constraint is YOUR DESTINY.

The only long term choice we have about the first item is whether you’re going to RESIST being the real you or EMBRACE being the real you.

The second constraint is a bit more complicated.

What is destiny? It is the road you are here to walk.

This entire idea will annoy the hell out of a Matrix trained ego. It’ll start yelling about how anything is possible and how dare you say I can’t do X…

You get to choose if you want to listen to that voice or not.

As far as I can tell, we are energies on trajectories. That means, we’re here to experience what we came to experience.

Can you achieve anything?

Yes and No.

You can achieve anything within the context of who you are and why you are here.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Only your response makes it good or bad.

Are you using your time, effort and awareness to make the most of what is right before you?

Or are you waking up spending your time wishing for another “field” to farm? Wishing for everything to be other than it actually is?

What if you simply choose to make YOUR field the best field it can be?

What this does is shift your vibration from an annoyance with what is to a profound gratitude for what is. YOUR EXPERIENCE is something that is unshared by any other being on this plane. It is yours alone. And completely unique.

What an amazing gift.

What we choose to DO with that gift is the power available to all of us.

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