Sovereign Business Daily

Demonstrating Brilliance

By the Ocean
Sunny 75 Degrees
6:12 a.m.

I spend most of my days asking questions…

The reason I do that is because people come to me for answers about their business and I don’t have any. They do. And I help them to discover what they are.

You might think it’s odd that you could make a living selling things you don’t have, but that pretty accurately sums up what I do.

And once we find those answers, then we build the strategies, processes, systems and other resources to spread them throughout the world.

The longer I go in business the more confident I become about the real point of it all.

The real point of business isn’t to change yourself so you can be successful. It’s not to shore up your weaknesses so you can compete with the other rats in the big cosmic race to get your piece of cheese.

The real point is to figure out how to create success by being YOU.

Nowhere in the Matrix curriculum are you told that this is a smart or profitable idea. “Just play it safe, get good health insurance, and don’t stick your head up!”

But you have a choice:

You can work to become a watered-down version of someone else…or you can work to become the most brilliant version of yourself possible.

It begins with understanding that gets augmented with ability and then distributed at scale.

This is why you work on your mindset, on your ability to communicate in print, on the way you show up to serve people, on how you attract attention, on the skill you have to direct people with problems to appropriate solutions.

These are all things for which I’ve made tools to help. But even the things I’ve made don’t have the answers. They DO lead you to them.

Beware of anyone who says they have your answers. Listening to that siren song is a great way to lose yourself on a wild goose chase. I know. I’ve done it. For years and years.

All of those skills and abilities you develop get put on top of the essence of who you are, which is to be understood, embraced, accepted and then demonstrated to the world.

The Matrix wants you to cover that up. “Don’t let that part of you show. Don’t you dare say that! You might offend some clients with that one. What if you never eat again!”

Just how brilliant can you be? And what if you built the stuff required to show that to the world?

How would things change then?

What if you actually took the steps to find out?

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Each day, I send an email to business owners across the world where I talk about various parts of the journey to preeminence in the marketplace. Some days, the focus is strategy. Other days, the focus is messaging and positioning. Still other days, the topic involves the systems and processes required to move your business to the next level. To get on the list to receive the next issue, click the button below: