Sovereign Business Daily

Cancel School

By the Ocean
Cloudy 74 Degrees
6:22 a.m.

If you like being a victim and want to blame “somebody,” blame school.

  • Blame practicing the art of listening to other people tell you how to think.
  • Blame being conditioned to ask permission to pee.
  • Blame being taught lies about history, about who did what to whom and why.
  • Blame being told that your value depends on an arbitrary scale of measurement created by someone else.
  • Blame being led to believe that a “well paying job” was the epitome of success for you.
  • Blame being modelled and molded to fit the necessities of a system that views you like a modern day slave.

Those are just a few of the lessons you learn in school. That is what it taught you and that is what it is teaching the children.

Playing a victim in any area of your life is obviously a weak and dumb thing to do. If you came here to do that, make a note that, in your next lifetime, there is a better approach. The Matrix loves victims. That’s how the system gets powered. Victims carry the banner of the Matrix into battle.

Victims are made in school. The psychological and emotional abuse contaminate self-responsibility and mangle it beyond recognition.


So that the creative capacity of the masses can be directed with the understanding that, to improve the world, OTHER PEOPLE HAVE TO CHANGE.

“I need YOU to change so I can be OK. Otherwise, you’re hateful, racist, an anti-vaxxer and you probably don’t even believe in Santa Claus!”

It’s a prison without bars. Perfect for a land of slaves who are told they are free.

Is your child going through a weird time where they don’t know which end is up, or who they are? “Am I a gopher? Am I a bumblebee? Some days I feel like a cat! Teacher says I should call this number and get help.”

It’s not “growing up.” It’s the point of school. Separate them from their mother and father, fill their mind with programming, watch as the fabric of the family unit disintegrates as well meaning parents seek out the help of “experts” whose very livelihood depends on acting and advising within the confines of the license granted to them by the very source of the problem: THE STATE.

So what does a non-victim do with the same set of data? The data that show you that school abuses children for the benefit of the State?

You cancel it. You cut it out of your life. You remove your children from the threat. You treat it like the cancer that it is.

When you consider it abhorrent to allow a stranger to raise your child, your creative capacity will present you with new solutions for how to rearrange your life.

These are the very same skills you use in business. The WILL to imagine better. The COURAGE to build the solution. The FORTITUDE to continue even when the way is not clear.

“If no one goes to school, how will they learn to read???”

“What if Johnny can’t get health insurance? Surely that is a reason to stay in prison forever!”

Did you know some children teach themselves to read? I didn’t even know that was possible until I watched one of my own do it.

Is my kid a genius? YES!

And so are yours. All of them. EVERY child is a genius, until they get destroyed.

If you want to change the world, stop the cycle. Make YOUR children the ones who walk a different road. Help in the peaceful destruction of an institution designed to enslave you and those you love.

Just quit and never look back. Figure out the rest from there.

Yes, business is a path to freedom. But it’s just one of them.

There are much more important ones. Much more powerful ones. Ones that impact not only your livelihood but the well-being of the coming generations.

A lot of people say they want to change the world. Really, all they want is for the world to change. That’s how the Matrix Mind is trained to think.

If you don’t want Matrix Mind for your children and their children, now is the time to do something about it.

You get the world you tolerate.

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