Sovereign Business Daily

The Peaceful Revolution

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Sunny 75 Degrees
1:52 p.m.

There aren’t too many good examples of PEACEFUL REVOLUTIONS to be found in the history books.

Tons of bloody revolutions, messy revolutions, violent revolutions…

But very few peaceful ones.

Isn’t that odd?

I wonder why that is? Surely it has happened, right? I imagine it just hasn’t been documented (I’m sure it’s just an oversight!) by the dudes who put the official “history” together?

We have the token story of Gandhi the “powers that were” allowed to slip through into the story books. But other than that, what else?

I suppose if I was leading a worldwide blood cult intent on dominating every human on the planet, I wouldn’t really want tales of “peaceful revolutions” to be told either.

If word got around about THAT possibility, that could really throw a wrench into the plans.

It would be a HUGE problem to give humanity a blueprint by which their collective Will could envelope, replace and even erase whatever current system was on the planet…in a completely peaceful manner.

We know what stereotypical “revolution” looks like. But who wants that?

No one with children. No one with parents. Pretty much no one who is sane.

Humanity doesn’t want violence because humanity is basically GOOD.

So what to do?

If you look out at the official information channels, things look bleak.

But I’m guessing you might see some of the same clues I see pointing to a conclusion that “bleak” isn’t exactly accurate.

I see clues everywhere that humanity has reached a point where they are no longer willing to live at the level of consciousness that has allowed this current reality to exist.

They are awakening from their slumber. They can see what is going on around them. And they are DONE BEING SLAVES.

So what will a “peaceful revolution” look like? And when will it begin?

It is already all around us. It is in full swing. And while you might not find mobs in the street, you can feel the energetic shift that is happening at the very foundational levels of this reality.

The revolution is NOW. It is here. It is peace.

Obviously, you won’t find weapons or traps or ambushes in this style of a revolution.

All you will see is one human after another, remembering the “song” they are here to sing, and offering it to the world in pursuit of building a reality where…

  • lack no longer exists
  • where compassion is the most widely spoken language of all
  • where the engineered divisions between living beings have dissolved to show what we all know deeply within:

We are far more alike than we are different.

We are far more powerful than we realize.

We have a limitless amount of potential still waiting to be expressed.

A peaceful revolution, then, is not something to be fought, it is simply something to be LIVED OUT LOUD.

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