Sovereign Business Daily

The Parallel Track

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Rain 59 Degrees
2:53 p.m.

Given that the outgoing world controllers seem to be in a rush to get somewhere, they’re accelerating their trek towards domination of every area of life.

They’ve saved money for last.

As we are all seeing with the newly minted “terrorists” of all ages (including children!) up in Canada, it’s very obvious who exactly owns “your” money in the bank. That’s why they treat you like a criminal when you dare ask for it back.

I’ll cut to the chase and let you know it’s not you who owns “your” fake money.

So what’s to be done? How can you change the system?

What’s to be done is to take three steps to the right or left, out of the path of the old system, and build something new on a parallel track.

You can still move forward, you can still move backwards. You can go any direction you wish to go on this parallel track to somewhere better.

Reforming the system is not worthy of energy because the system is not broken or impaired. It’s working exactly as it was designed to function.

About a year ago, I started helping business people of all shapes and sizes build a parallel track for their work.

That work has grown into a new organization focused on this single mission: to help others move their work into the protected jurisdiction of a private contract association.

Since then we’ve worked with professionals of all varieties including doctors, midwives, arborists, farmers and more.

And we’re just getting started.

Here’s a link to hear from one of our members, Dr. Nathan Riley, an OB who chose to leave the system after the events of the past two years.

Within every problem is found a doorway to opportunity. If you can develop the ability to see through that doorway, even the darkest of nights can lead to a brilliant dawn.

You are not weak. You are not powerless. You are in possession of the greatest force of nature: the ability to create that which is currently the dream within you.

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