Sovereign Business Daily

“Sovereign Citizens” and Other Things That Don’t Exist

Down the Rabbit Hole
Sunrise 37 Degrees
6:57 a.m.

The first thing to get clear on is that there’s no such thing as a “Sovereign Citizen.”

That is a term, coined by the mass media machine, to form a narrative describing a crazy, cultish, sect of angry and belligerent FREAKS that run around brandishing weapons screaming about their “freedom.”

Why would the media be told to do this?

So that the masses dare not tread in any direction where they might accidentally discover they have been fooled into slavery by their own consent.

“Sovereign Citizen” makes as much sense as saying someone is a “Free Prisoner.”

There is no such thing.

Sovereign is what we all are.

Citizen describes a specific legal status.

The U.S. Citizen is a status as outlined in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

It was created as a sleight of hand maneuver to open up the door for VOLUNTARY SERVITUDE under the guise of offering the newly liberated slaves a way to vote.

Our inherent sovereignty, in fact, is THE VERY reason we can choose to walk into the containment field of the U.S. Citizen.

We have the power, then we give it away.

Or more accurately speaking, our PARENTS go first by registering (REGIS – TER, which means turning over to the King!) us at birth. And the web begins from there throughout our entire lives.

See why school is made to train mindless slaves? Because you don’t have to dig too far down to see how all of this works. They need to keep you busy with all of that meaningless work so you don’t have any time left for the real work.

But at its core, this is not complicated:


What’s the solution?

You must realize that any and all contracts you have the power to create are ones you can choose to remove, rescind or revoke.

Learning how to do that is the easy part. Transforming your internal environment to have the capacity to hold, keep and direct that power you reclaim is the real work.

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