Sovereign Business Daily

Is It Legal?

Down the Rabbit Hole
East of the Ozarks
Sunny 45 Degrees
8:12 a.m.

The Matrix system is an insidious cancer created to co-opt the life force of humanity.

How’s THAT for a cheery opener!

The good news is that the nature of the Matrix doesn’t change the inherent nature of humanity.

Humanity is powerful. YOU are powerful.

The Matrix training creates the illusion that humans are weak by raising them to believe it’s normal to give their power away so that pieces of it can be offered back to them as a reward for “acceptable” behavior:

  • This is what religion is for.
  • This is what the fiat money system is for.
  • This is what the medical system is for.
  • This is what the legal system is for.

In the Matrix legal system, virtually everything is illegal EXCEPT that which is permitted by license.

  • You need a license to drive…
  • You need a license to practice medicine…
  • You need a license to cut someone’s hair…
  • You need a license for your kids to sell lemonade to neighbors…

When you raise a child within this mind prison, he uses his own life force to strengthen its bars real by developing the habit of waiting or asking for permission before doing a thing.

“Is it OK if I do this?” he asks his not so benevolent rulers, requesting permission to be himself.

It’s not surprising that one of the questions we get most often about our work at FreedomWorks, where we help people move their livelihood into the protected jurisdiction of a Private Contract Association, is this:

Is it legal?

In order for it to be “legal,” that would mean the very system we are separating from would have to grant explicit permission, via its codes and statutes, for this action to be permitted within its system, within its own jurisdiction.

If you’re a slave master, that would be a dumb move. Why would you grant explicit permission for your slaves to step out of their prison?

If it were “legal,” a Private Contract Association would be worthless, because it would be within the jurisdiction and under control of the very Matrix it makes irrelevant.

So is it illegal then?

This would be like a McDonald’s employ asking if it’s a problem to wear brown pants on Thursday even though Walmart’s corporate bylaws explicitly state that is not allowed.

Walmart’s rules have no power over employees of McDonalds. These are two different jurisdictions. That’s common sense.

And so it is with the legal system and the power it has over activities that exist OUTSIDE of that system.

It has no power there. And that’s the point.

What people really mean when they ask the “is it legal” question is:

Will I get in trouble?

That’s because their conditioning has made that THE logical question to ask.

Humans have been trained to only do that which is permitted. They have adopted that standard as the wall of their prison. What someone ELSE says they may do, they can do.

So the first step on the PCA journey is to get very clear about who you actually believe is in control of you:

Do you want to be a slave or do you want to be free?

It doesn’t matter what you say with your words, the truth is shown in your actions.

You can either act free or you can act like you are owned.

We each have the power to make the best choice for us.

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