Sovereign Business Daily

How to Pack a Limitless Being into a Box

Down the Rabbit Hole
Sunny 63 Degrees
8:09 a.m.

You are a limitless being.

You are endowed with the ability to create that which is on your INSIDE, on the OUTSIDE.

You manifest reality, in partnership with the all that is.

The “powers that were” KNOW this. And they have built a containment system for your brilliance.

It is a system that uses your own creative capacity against you.

It is a system that feeds on your life force, that severs your connection to YOU, that surrounds you with fear and lack so you create the manifestations of those things in reality.

The containment system has ruled this planet for eons. Your parents were deceived to walk into its clutches. You, thinking the containment system was actually reality, did your best to maneuver through the maze. Chances are, you have offered up your children to this beast as well.

But the maze only leads to one place. It leads to death.

In your heart, you know there is something wrong here. What is wrong is that humanity has been trained to use its power to build the walls of its own prison.

You don’t need to understand “how” to undo this. That is not the first step on this journey. School focuses children on the HOW so they can be preoccupied with endless trivial details that will keep them from ever discovering the truth of their own power.

Your creative capacity only needs an internal alignment and vivid imagining of the RESULT you choose to create to begin its magical work.

When you train yourself to stop projecting the fear, lack and division, you will cease to create it.

When you can embody the vibrations of love, abundance and wholeness, despite any current physical reality that looks otherwise, you will begin to create the new from nothing.

This is the power you have. This is the work before us. This is the gift we will leave for our children.

A world that we create based on our own purpose, Will and intention.

You can begin today. Look around. The opportunity is everywhere.

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