Sovereign Business Daily

Too Simple

By the Ocean
Sunny 78 Degrees
6:51 a.m.

It’s impossible to be too simple…

The people who are looking for what you have are faced with a sea of noise. If you visit most business websites these days, the amount of confusion you find on a single page is impressive and completely overwhelming.

The insecurity is so great that most people feel like they need to fill the page with volumes of words to make up for how they are feeling about themselves.

But your prospects don’t care. They are just looking to answer a simple question, “CAN YOU HELP ME?”

This is why things need to be simple.


“But I don’t want to be put in a box. I’m my amazing self and the value I provide to the world is beyond measure!”

If they can’t put you in a box, there’s nowhere for you to live in their mind.

The work is to choose your “box” deliberately so that you can show up as something DIFFERENT but within the context of something they already know.

Pinpointing this location, creating this package and then telling the simple story that conveys that to the world is real work.

You start with 100 pounds of raw material on the table and you whittle it down to almost nothing except the essence of WHY YOU MATTER to a certain group of people.

One valuable place to search for this story is to get in touch with what you believe about the work you do.

What is your perspective on the best way to solve the problems you solve? Where do others go wrong? What ideals do you hold dear when it comes to serving your prospects?

This is the story you tell, like a real human, to make the connection with those who resonate with your message.

In other words, stop focusing on YOU and start focusing on what you stand for in relation to the work you do and the people you help. Surely you have strong opinions about how it should go. Tell the world. The world is starving for someone willing to say something real.

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